Did you know the government might have some of your hard-earned money, is dying to return it to you, but just doesn’t know where to find you? It’s true! When people move, or addresses are entered incorrectly, companies often end up with money they owe folks but they can’t track them down to give it… Continue reading Are You Missing Out on Money?
Author: Brian Wolf
Brian Wolf is a financial planner who helps people figure out how to afford a comfortable retirement, pay for their kids' college education, or buy their dream home. More information can be found on his website brightlanternfinancial.com. He was also one of the first investors in Protein Bar, a Chicago restaurant favorite.
Financial Planning for Dummies
I’m a financial planner. I help people figure out what it’s going to take for them to retire the way they want or send their kids to Harvard. Then I execute the plan—managing their investments and figuring out the best place to put new savings. But I recognize that not everybody wants to pay for… Continue reading Financial Planning for Dummies
The Best Credit Card Rewards = Free World Travel
It’s a cliché on every dating profile ever written: “I love to travel.” But for most of us, it really is true. The big catch is that traveling is expensive. But it doesn’t have to be! The key is to take advantage of introductory offers that credit card companies use to get your business. First,… Continue reading The Best Credit Card Rewards = Free World Travel